Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh Gosh

One hundred ninety eight photos to be narrowed down to six.
Of a few days in Cinque Terre. My prints will surround an artist's print of the bay at Manarola. I have the space for three above the print, and three below the print, in a large white frame.

A large space on my wall needs to be filled with photos: framed and themed..
They will all be from my semester in Italia, I'm thinking a few b&w architectural shots, and color landscape pictures of Perugia in a variety of sizes.
While I would like to have some of myself (so vein) and the people I met, those are more reserved for photo albums. It seems almost a little childish to put those ones on the wall. I'm sure they work for other people, but my photography is adolescent. Were they modeled shots by people who knew what they were doing, it would be a different story. Although, I still may not want people in my bedroom, especially super hot model people.

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