Thursday, September 23, 2010

To Do

The minute I am told to do something my desire to do said task decreases by at lease ten fold. If I am told not to do something, my interest is piqued.
I enjoy making lists for myself. These lists rarely have all their lines scratched out. Is it because I have told myself to do these things or is it because I'm an inherently lazy person?
Its interesting to think of myself as lazy because I've always known that I am. And while those who know me know I'm lazy, many people seem to think I'm hard working. Yes, I graduated college on time, I played high school sports (and was miz!) and I usually hold a summer job. This summer I opted out of this full time summer job and told myself I would learn Spanish, or maybe Russian, while studying for the LSAT (law school admissions test). I did have a weekend job as a cater waiter, which paid well. Problem is, I'm lazy. So the only thing I got done was cater waitering. Now fall is upon us and I have nothing to show for my first summer post-graduation. Shit. (oh, I also said I would swear less..)

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