Monday, December 27, 2010

Almost a New Year Already..

This blog is yet another thing I can't commit to. My lists are another. My job, my boyfriend, my idea of "what I want to do", my resolutions to: lose weight, read more, do yoga, spend less, volunteer, travel.. the list goes on but I won't depress myself.

With the New Year coming fast upon me, I reflect on past and coming years. I am not where I thought I would be, my most recent hometown (of the past 15 years) rather than my real hometown (for about 7 years) New York City, or an equivalent city. I secured a job that I don't care for and spend about 35 of my 40 hours a week looking at my (sick) watch. This past month, I finally applied for a great job. Only, I waited until the last minute (I've know about it for months), so all the positions are likely filled or reserved for the cream of the crop.

The whole job search post grad life really has served to lessen my opinion of myself and raise my general discontent with my current life position. Glad to know that's what I'll be paying for over the next three decades.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

To Do

The minute I am told to do something my desire to do said task decreases by at lease ten fold. If I am told not to do something, my interest is piqued.
I enjoy making lists for myself. These lists rarely have all their lines scratched out. Is it because I have told myself to do these things or is it because I'm an inherently lazy person?
Its interesting to think of myself as lazy because I've always known that I am. And while those who know me know I'm lazy, many people seem to think I'm hard working. Yes, I graduated college on time, I played high school sports (and was miz!) and I usually hold a summer job. This summer I opted out of this full time summer job and told myself I would learn Spanish, or maybe Russian, while studying for the LSAT (law school admissions test). I did have a weekend job as a cater waiter, which paid well. Problem is, I'm lazy. So the only thing I got done was cater waitering. Now fall is upon us and I have nothing to show for my first summer post-graduation. Shit. (oh, I also said I would swear less..)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Wednesday

I pretty much feel like a laze about maid. I cook the occasional meal, make a mean cappuccino when I'm feeling generous with my time or cluttered by a mess I fold laundry, reorganize the house, and paint walls.
This being said, I truly do very little with my time. 28A, my blogette is probably the thing that most resembles a productive use of my time (besides of course being a cater waiter). I really can't even say what I do with most of my time.. I'm trying to get on my picture taking & uploading game in order to keep some sort of record.

man in the yellow hippie van- this was his spot, I saw him almost every time I biked to Chappy this summer

rainbow at Camp

the woods at Camp where Isabel wants to build her tree house

a Cape Cod Bagel with their amazing cream cheese and a home made cappuccino

Friday, September 10, 2010


I here on stolen interwaves from the landscape office I'm working in from time to time. I got a call yesterday to work at 8AM today because the woman who is generally here wanted to go to New Hampshire. Ok, cool, I need money. I just hope the phone rings before 10, because I'm done folding and enveloping seven billing statements...
Yesterday was a great day. I went out for a HUGE breakfast and housed the entire thing, sans subpar sausage links (and I love sausage). Went home and packed up my Mom's station wagon with kayaks and hit up a beautiful harbor about ten minutes from my house. Came back from the voyage to find someone had smashed in my passenger window. Unfortunately, I left all valuables at home, so that beach bag they were going to pillage for great bounty was filled with only sand, matches, and a tennis ball. (moah ahah haha haaa!!!) Too bad I felt the need to lock that stupid beach bag into the empty Saab; had I left it unlocked, they could have just popped open the door instead of wasting all that energy breaking my window!

the lovely location to which I kayaked

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today I decided to start a blog. I was in the middle of arranging chairs in an empty downstairs room of my house. It gives hatch access to the basement and contains the only downstairs bathroom, which my father has taken over. I am waiting to see his reaction to the chairs because he swears we have about fifty chairs in our house. Most of which are small or somewhat unsturdy and just sit around without being sat in.
It is Tuesday Wednesday, September 8. The first real week of the year for the past 18 years of my life. The first week back at school. I am arranging chairs. Thought the world should know..
I think I'll go take a bike ride. It is gorgeous out today. The hurricane seems to have brought on beginning of fall weather that is so lovely!